What are various Namespaces in the Spring Configuration File ?.
1. aop Namespace
aop Namespace Description -
aop namespace provides developer a namespace which has elements used for declaring aspects. Generally, this namespace makes @AspectJ-annotated classes as Spring aspects which acts as proxies.
2. util Namespace
util Namespace Description -
As the name suggest this namespace provides developer utility elements. This namespace provides ability to use collections with Spring Framework.
3. beans Namespace
beans Namespace Description -
It is mostly used for declaration of beans and how they are related to each other. Its the core spring namespace which is important for configuring beans.
4. jee Namespace
jee Namespace Description -
This namespace is used when we integrate spring with JNDI and EJB. This namespace provides elements for using it well with Java EE.
5. jms Namespace
jms Namespace Description -
Usually used to configure Message Driven Beans i.e. MDB's with the Spring container.
6. context Namespace
context Namespace Description -
context namespace is very much important namespace of all, it is used by spring container to auto-detect and auto-wire beans. This namespace provides elements which helps in injecting of objects and thus providing ability to have Dependency Injection.
7. lang Namespace
lang Namespace Description -
lang namespace provides us with the elements which helps us to configure beans implemented in different languages such as JRuby, Groovy etc.
8. mvc Namespace
mvc Namespace Description -
mvc namespace enables capabilities of MVC architecture such as Model - View - Controller framework. It enables usage of controllers, interceptors and view components.
9. oxm Namespace
oxm Namespace Description -
Very important namespace which provides JAXB sort of support of mapping Spring objects to XML mappings. That is converting of Spring objects to XML formats.
10. tx Namespace
tx Namespace Description -
tx namespace enables support for transaction management in Spring framework.
1. aop Namespace
aop Namespace Description -
aop namespace provides developer a namespace which has elements used for declaring aspects. Generally, this namespace makes @AspectJ-annotated classes as Spring aspects which acts as proxies.
2. util Namespace
util Namespace Description -
As the name suggest this namespace provides developer utility elements. This namespace provides ability to use collections with Spring Framework.
3. beans Namespace
beans Namespace Description -
It is mostly used for declaration of beans and how they are related to each other. Its the core spring namespace which is important for configuring beans.
4. jee Namespace
jee Namespace Description -
This namespace is used when we integrate spring with JNDI and EJB. This namespace provides elements for using it well with Java EE.
5. jms Namespace
jms Namespace Description -
Usually used to configure Message Driven Beans i.e. MDB's with the Spring container.
6. context Namespace
context Namespace Description -
context namespace is very much important namespace of all, it is used by spring container to auto-detect and auto-wire beans. This namespace provides elements which helps in injecting of objects and thus providing ability to have Dependency Injection.
7. lang Namespace
lang Namespace Description -
lang namespace provides us with the elements which helps us to configure beans implemented in different languages such as JRuby, Groovy etc.
8. mvc Namespace
mvc Namespace Description -
mvc namespace enables capabilities of MVC architecture such as Model - View - Controller framework. It enables usage of controllers, interceptors and view components.
9. oxm Namespace
oxm Namespace Description -
Very important namespace which provides JAXB sort of support of mapping Spring objects to XML mappings. That is converting of Spring objects to XML formats.
10. tx Namespace
tx Namespace Description -
tx namespace enables support for transaction management in Spring framework.