A simple example demonstrating the creation of ApplicationContext using ClassPathXmlApplicationContext in Spring Framework
1. Create a normal class having a method say 'Dog' -
package com.hubberspot.spring; public class Dog { public void move() { System.out.println("Dog moving ..."); } }
2. Create a spring.xml file placed in classpath of your application -
3. Create a Test class for the application (imp) -
package com.hubberspot.spring; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext; public class WildLifeApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { // ApplicationContext is a Spring interface which // provides with the configuration for an application. // It provides us with all the methods that BeanFactory // provides. It loads the file resources in a older // and generic manner. It helps us to publish events to the // listener registered to it. It also provides quick support // for internationalization. It provides us with the object // requested, it reads the configuration file and provides // us with the necessary object required. // We are using concrete implementation of ApplicationContext // here called as ClassPathXmlApplicationContext because this // bean factory reads the xml file placed in the classpath of // our application. We provide ClassPathXmlApplicationContext // with a configuration file called as spring.xml placed // at classpath of our application. ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(("spring.xml")); // In order to get a object instantiated for a particular bean // we call getBean() method of ClassPathXmlApplicationContext // passing it the id for which the object is to be needed. // Here getBean() returns an Object. We need to cast it back // to the Dog object. Without implementing new keyword we // have injected object of Dog just by reading an xml // configuration file. Dog dog = (Dog)context.getBean("dog"); // Calling our functionality dog.move(); } }
Output of the program :