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@Override Annotations usage in Java Programming Language

What are Annotations in Java ?.

Annotations in Java are metadatas that adds information to your code in a formal way so that you can keep track to the information added at a later stage. They provide a Java programmer information which describes the program fully in a sophisticated way. Annotations help us in generating descriptor files and giving us way to write boilerplate code each time.

Annonations in Java have a symbol @ in its syntax declaration. Java contains general purpose built in annotations defined in java.lang package as :

1. @Override : This annotation is used over method which we intend to override in sub-class. It generates compile-time error if we accidentally give method signature incorrect at the time of overriding.

Program to demonstrate how to use @Override Annotation in Java

package com.hubberspot.examples;

class Shape {
 public void draw() {
  System.out.println("Shape draw()");
 public void name(){
  System.out.println("Shape name()");

public class Triangle extends Shape {
 public void draw() {
  System.out.println("Triangle draw()");
 public void name() {
  System.out.println("Triangle name()");
// Compiler throws an error Triangle must
// override or implement supertype method
 public void draw(int a) {
  System.out.println("Triangle draw()");


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