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How to calculate Trigonometric functions values in Java ?

Program to demonstrate how to calculate Trigonometric functions values in Java

package com.hubberspot.code;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class TrignometricFunctionsDemo {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

  // Create a Scanner object which will read 
  // values from the console which user enters
  Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

  // Getting input from user from the console
  System.out.println("Enter value of angle in degrees ");

  // Calling nextDouble method of scanner for
  // taking a double value from user and storing
  // it in degrees variable
  double degrees = scanner.nextDouble();

  System.out.println("Lets calculate the sine, cosine and tan of angle ...");
  // In order to calculate sine , cosine and tan of angle we
  // use the Math class three static methods by name as :  
  // 1. Math.sin(a) -- Sine of a
  // 2. Math.cos(a) -- Cosine of a 
  // 3. Math.tan(a) -- Tangent of a

  double sineOfAngle = Math.sin(degrees); 
  double cosOfAngle = Math.cos(degrees); 
  double tanOfAngle = Math.tan(degrees);

  System.out.println("The Sine of " + degrees + " degrees is : "
    + sineOfAngle);
  System.out.println("The Cosine of " + degrees + " degrees is : "
    + cosOfAngle);
  System.out.println("The Tangent of " + degrees + " degrees is : "
    + tanOfAngle);

  System.out.println("Lets calculate the sec, cosec and cot of angle ...");
  // In order to calculate sec, cosec and cot of angle we
  // just inverse the value of sin , cos and tan calculated above :   
  // 4. Sec of a -- 1 / Sine of a
  // 5. Cosec of a  -- 1/ Cosine of a 
  // 6. Cot of a  -- 1 / Tangent of a

  double secOfAngle = 1 / Math.sin(degrees); 
  double cosecOfAngle = 1 / Math.cos(degrees); 
  double cotOfAngle = 1 / Math.tan(degrees);

  System.out.println("\nThe Sec of " + degrees + " degrees is : "
    + secOfAngle);
  System.out.println("The Cosec of " + degrees + " degrees is : "
    + cosecOfAngle);
  System.out.println("The Cotangent of " + degrees + " degrees is : "
    + cotOfAngle);



Output of the program :

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