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How to put a thread to sleep in Java ?.

Program to demonstrate how to put a thread to sleep in Java using yield and sleep method

package com.hubberspot.multithreading;

public class ProducerConsumerTest {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  // 3. Create a thread by instantiating
  // an object from the class
  Thread producer = new Producer();
  Thread consumer = new Consumer();

  // 4. Call the start() method of the 
  // thread object
  // Overall three threads are created 
  // 1. for main method , 2. for the Producer class
  // 3. for the Consumer class  



// 1. Create a class that extends Thread
class Producer extends Thread {
 // 2. Overload the run method to perform 
 // the desired task
 public void run(){

  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){

   System.out.println("I am Producer : Produced Apple " + i);
   // 1. one way to put thread to sleep
   // static method that pause current thread so that other thread
   // gets the time to execute
   try {
   // 2. another way to thread to sleep
   // It takes an argument of int which 
   // specifies time in milliseconds for 
   // pausing or making a thread sleep. 
   // Generally, thread goes to blocked state
   // for the time specified... here its 1 second 
   // Thread.sleep() method throws Interrupted Exception
   // if something interrupts the thread on sleeping 
   } catch (InterruptedException e) {


class Consumer extends Thread {
 public void run(){

  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){

   System.out.println("I am Consumer : Consumed Apple " + i);

   try {
    // 2. another way to thread to sleep
    // It takes an argument of int which 
    // specifies time in milliseconds for 
    // pausing or making a thread sleep. 
    // Generally, thread goes to blocked state
    // for the time specified... here its 2 seconds 
    // Thread.sleep() method throws Interrupted Exception
    // if something interrupts the thread on sleeping 
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {



Output of the program : 

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