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Using Reflection API to determine whether class object is an Annotation or not

Program to demonstrate how Reflection API can be used to determine whether a class object is an Annotation or not in Java

package com.hubberspot.reflection;

@interface Specifier {


class Public {


public class AnnotationInfo {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
   // Create a Test object
      Public publicInstance = new Public();
      // Get the class of respective types
      Class publicClass = publicInstance.getClass();
      Class specifier = Specifier.class;

      // isAnnotation() checks whether type is an annotation or not
      if(specifier.isAnnotation()) {
 // prints the simple name of the class
        System.out.println("Given type " + specifier.getSimpleName()
   + " is an Annotation");
      } else {
 System.out.println("Given class " + specifier.getSimpleName()
   + " is not an Annotation");

      if(publicClass.isAnnotation()) {
 System.out.println("Given class " + publicClass.getSimpleName()
   + " is an Annotation");
      } else {
 System.out.println("Given class " + publicClass.getSimpleName()
   + " is not an Annotation");



Output of the program : 

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