Program to demonstrate how do I use locales and resource bundles to internationalize my application
Properties file :
Output of the program :
package com.hubberspot.example; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; public class Properties { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a ResourceBundle by calling getBundle() // method and passing two parameters, properties file and // Locale to which we want to internationalize ResourceBundle resource_en_US = ResourceBundle. getBundle("Bundle", new Locale("en","US")); // calling getString() and passing the string we want to get System.out.println("Message in " + Locale.US + " : " + resource_en_US.getString("welcome")); ResourceBundle resource_pt_BR = ResourceBundle. getBundle("Bundle", new Locale("pt","BR")); System.out.println("Message in " + new Locale("pt","BR")+ " : " + resource_pt_BR.getString("welcome")); } }
Properties file :
Output of the program :