Program to demonstrate how Reflection API can be used to determine whether a class object is an Array or not in Java
Output of the program :
package com.hubberspot.reflection; public class ArrayInfo { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create an Array Object Integer[] intArray = new Integer[] {1,2,3,4} ; // Create a non-Array Object Integer integer = new Integer(1); Class intArrayClass = intArray.getClass(); Class integerClass = integer.getClass(); // isArray() checks whether object is of type array or not if(intArrayClass.isArray()) { // prints the simple name of the class System.out.println("Given class " + intArrayClass.getSimpleName() + " is an Array"); } else { System.out.println("Given class " + intArrayClass.getSimpleName() + " is not an Array"); } if(integerClass.isArray()) { System.out.println("Given class " + integerClass.getSimpleName() + " is an Array"); } else { System.out.println("Given class " + integerClass.getSimpleName() + " is not an Array"); } } }
Output of the program :