Program to demonstrate a menu‐driven class to accept a number from the user and check whether it is a Automorphic number or not in Java.
Output of the program :
package; import java.util.Scanner; public class AutomorphicTest { public static void main(String[] args) { char program; Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; do { System.out.println("Press 'A' for Automorphic Number Test or 'E' for Exit"); program = scanner.nextLine().toUpperCase().charAt(0); if(program != 'A' && program != 'E') { System.out.println(); System.out.println("You entered : " + program); System.out.println("Please enter P or E to proceed ... try again"); System.out.println(); continue; } else { switch( program ) { case 'A': System.out.print( "Enter number for Automorphic Number checking: " ); int number = scanner.nextInt(); String line = scanner.nextLine(); if( isAutomorphicNumber( number ) ) { System.out.println( number + " is a Automorphic number." ); } else { System.out.println( number + " is not a Automorphic number." ); } break; } } System.out.println(); if( program == 'E') { System.out.println("Exiting from the program..."); } } while(program != 'E'); } private static boolean isAutomorphicNumber(int number) { int square = number * number; String numberToString = "" + number; String squareToString = "" + square; if( squareToString.endsWith( numberToString ) ) { return true; } return false; } }
Output of the program :