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How == and equals() affects Object equivalence in Java ?

Program to demonstrate how Object Equivalence works in Java

class MyInteger{
  public int i;
  MyInteger(int i){
    this.i =i;

public class ObjectEquivalenceTest {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  Integer one = new Integer(10);
  Integer two = new Integer(10);
  System.out.println("one == two : "+ (one == two));
  System.out.println("one != two : "+ (one != two));
  System.out.println("one.equals(two) : "+ (one.equals(two)));
  MyInteger mone = new MyInteger(10);
  MyInteger mtwo = new MyInteger(10);
  System.out.println("mone == mtwo : "+ (mone == mtwo));
  System.out.println("mone != mtwo : "+ (mone != mtwo));
  System.out.println("mone.equals(mtwo) : "+ (mone.equals(mtwo))); 



Output of the program :

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