Program to demonstrate how to read Excel file and writing it to Properties file in Java using Apache Poi API.
Note :- Please include poi-3.2-FINAL.jar into the classpath of your ide before running the below program.
Note :- Please include poi-3.2-FINAL.jar into the classpath of your ide before running the below program.
package com.hubberspot.code; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem; public class ReadWriteExcelProperties { // Create a HashMap which will store keys and values // from xls file provided HashMap< String, String > properties = new HashMap< String, String >(); public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a object of ReadWriteExcelProperties ReadWriteExcelProperties readWriteExcelProperties = new ReadWriteExcelProperties(); // Call readExcelFile() method by passing it location of xls // This method will load keys and values from xls to HashMap readWriteExcelProperties.readExcelFile("test.xls"); // Call writeToPropertiesFile method by passing the location of // the properties file. This method will store keys and values // from hashMap to properties file readWriteExcelProperties.writeToPropertiesFile(""); } public void readExcelFile(String fileName) { HSSFCell cell1 =null; HSSFCell cell2 =null; try{ // Create a FileInputStream by passing the location of excel FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(fileName); // Create a POIFSFileSystem by passing it FileInputStream POIFSFileSystem fileSystem = new POIFSFileSystem(input); // Create a Workbook using HSSFWorkbook object HSSFWorkbook workBook = new HSSFWorkbook(); // get the sheet at location 0 by calling // getSheetAt() method of the Workbook HSSFSheet sheet = workBook.getSheetAt(0); // Create a Iterator object by calling // sheet's method as rowIterator() which // will return back us with Iterator, which will // loop through each row. Iterator rowIterator = sheet.rowIterator(); // Iterating row by row while(rowIterator.hasNext()){ // Creating a reference to row by calling // next method of the iterator HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow); // Creating a iterator which will contain each // cell info related to that particular row Iterator cellIterator = row.cellIterator(); // Iterating over each cell while(cellIterator.hasNext()){ // Creating a cell by calling next method of the iterator cell1 = (HSSFCell); System.out.println("Cell One ... " + cell1.getRichStringCellValue()); // extracting key from the xls String key = cell1.getRichStringCellValue().toString(); // if cellIterator.hasNext() returns false than perform the // below task if(!cellIterator.hasNext()){ System.out.println("No Such Element"); String value = ""; // put default key and key to it properties.put(key, value); } else { // if not than create yet another cell from the // cell iterator by calling its next method cell2 = (HSSFCell); System.out.println("Cell Two ... " + cell2.getRichStringCellValue()); // extracting values from the cell2 String value = cell2.getRichStringCellValue().toString(); // storing each properties into the HashMap properties.put(key, value); } System.out.println("The properties are " + properties); } } } catch (Exception e){ System.out.println("No Such Element Exception Occured ..... "); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void writeToPropertiesFile(String propertiesPath) { // Creating a new Properties object Properties props = new Properties(); // Creating a File object which will point to location of // properties file File propertiesFile = new File(propertiesPath); try { // create a FileOutputStream by passing above properties file FileOutputStream xlsFos = new FileOutputStream(propertiesFile); // Taking hashMaps keys by first converting it to Set and than // taking iterator over it. Iterator mapIterator = properties.keySet().iterator(); // looping over iterator properties while(mapIterator.hasNext()) { // extracting keys and values based on the keys String key =; String value = properties.get(key); // setting each properties file in props Object // created above props.setProperty(key, value); } // Finally storing the properties to real // properties file., null); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }