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How to use JOptionPane in Java using Swing Framework API ?.

Program to demonstrate working of JOptionPane in Java using Swing API

package com.hubberspot.code;

// Import swing package for using JOptionPane

import javax.swing.*;

public class JOptionPaneDemo {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

  // JOptionPane.showInputDialog shows a simple message along
  // with an Input box where user enters and gets it back
  // it as a String value

  String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, 
    "Who is this visitor to Hubberspot ?."); 

  // JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog shows a simple message
  // and Yes/No/Cancel small buttons for user to choose a 
  // choice. The selected choice is returned back as a 
  // int having following values :
  // 1. JOptionPane.YES_OPTION if user clicked 'Yes'
  // 2. JOptionPane.NO_OPTION if user clicked 'No'
  // 3. JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION if user clicked 'Cancel'
  int option = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, 
    "Hi "+ name + ", do you like Hubberspot ?.");

  if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {

   // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog shows a dialog box 
   // having a simple message for the user
     "Thank you so much !!!");

  else {

     "So like us !!!");



Output of the program :

1. JOptionPane's Input Dialog : 

2. JOptionPane's Confirm Dialog : 

3. JOptionPane's Message Dialog : 

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