Program to demonstrate how to search a text for regular expression using matches method in Java's String class
package com.hubberspot.code; public class MatchesDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { // Lets create a String. We have a long text assigned to it. String text = "Welcome to Hubberspot 1.0 !"; // String class has a method called as matches() // this method is been called over a String and takes // a parameter which is a regular expression. // It returns a boolean value true or false whether or not // string matches the given regular expression. // In the result variable below for the 1 it returns true // because the regular expression passed is the exact match // to the string boolean result = text.matches("Welcome to Hubberspot 1.0 !"); System.out.println("1. : "+result); // for 2 result variable holds false because the regular // expression passed is not the exact match to the string result = text.matches("Welcome"); System.out.println("2. : "+result); // for 3 result variable holds true because the regular // expression will test against both upper & lower case "W" and "H" // and will return true result = text.matches("[Ww]elcome to [Hh]ubberspot 1.0 !"); System.out.println("3. : "+result); // for 4 result variable holds true because the regular // expression will test against a number checking whether // it is in between 0 to 9 result = text.matches("Welcome to Hubberspot [0-9].[0-9] !"); System.out.println("4. : "+result); // for 5 result variable holds true because the regular // expression will test against alphanumeric combination // and will be used with any word holding .* result = text.matches("Welcome to .* [0-9].[0-9] !"); System.out.println("5. : "+result); } }
Output of the program :