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Creating and Running a Thread using Runnable Interface

In order to create , execute and run a simple Thread in Java , we need to perform few operations . We can create a thread by two ways :

1 . First way is to create a thread by implementing Runnable Interface . Generally , Runnable Interface has one method called as run . This run method performs the logic for our thread . We have to provide implementation to this method from the Runnable Interface and execute it when we want to execute code in threads.     

2 . Second way is to extend Thread class in Java and override run method .

Program to demonstrate creation and running of a Thread by implementing Runnable Interface
package com.hubberspot.multithreading.example ;

// Implementing Runnable Interface
class MyRunnable implements Runnable
// Implementing run method of Runnable
  public void run( )
    for( int i = 1 ; I < = 5 ; i++ )
 System.out.println( " Message " + i ) ;

public class RunnableTest
  public static void main( String[ ] args )
    MyRunnable r = new MyRunnable( ) ;
    Thread t = new Thread( r ) ;
    System.out.println( t ) ; 
// starting the thread by start method which will
// call run method internally
    t.start( ) ;

Output of the program : 
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