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How to compare two or more arrays equality in Java ?.

Program to demonstrate how to compare two or more arrays equality in Java

package com.hubberspot.collections.example;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class CompareArraysEquality {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

  // 1. Lets create three arrays of same size
  String[] array1 = new String[5];
  String[] array2 = new String[5];
  String[] array3 = new String[5];

  // 2. Lets add few strings to each of them 
  array1[0] = "One";
  array1[1] = "Two";
  array1[2] = "Three";
  array1[3] = "Four";
  array1[4] = "Five";

  array2[0] = "A";
  array2[1] = "New";
  array2[2] = "Different";
  array2[3] = "Array";
  array2[4] = "Created";

  array3[0] = "One";
  array3[1] = "Two";
  array3[2] = "Three";
  array3[3] = "Four";
  array3[4] = "Five";

  // 3. Using Arrays.equals() to compare whether
  // arrays are equal or not
  boolean firstCompare = Arrays.equals(array1, array2);
  boolean secondCompare = Arrays.equals(array1, array3);
  boolean thirdCompare = Arrays.equals(array2, array3);

  // 4. printing the result on the console
  System.out.println("array1 equals array2 : " + firstCompare);
  System.out.println("array1 equals array3 : " + secondCompare);
  System.out.println("array2 equals array3 : " + thirdCompare);



Output of the program :

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