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A Brief History Of Java Programming Language

It is been seen that current programming problems are complex. Structured programming cannot manage complexity of complex programs. Obeject Oriented Programming makes it possible to organise large and complex programs using classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation. C++ for years was most widely used OOP language. Due to advent of internet, Java became widely used and gained tremendous popularity.

Java came as the programming language which was widely used in the consumer electronic devices such as microwaves, television etc. A lot of research was been done to build a small, reliable, processor independent, real-time, safe and distributed software for these systems. With the coming of Internet and WWW, Java went on becoming a full fledged programming language, shifting its focus from consumer devices to a vast platform to create powerful, distributed, robust and secure applications.

A Brief History Of Java Java Programming Language was conceived by the effort of 5 great people, James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, Mike Sheridan and Ed Frank. They all worked for Sun Microsystems, Inc and came up with Java in 1991. The language took 18 months to develop and had a initial name as "Oak" which was renamed to Java in 1995, due to copyright issues. The idea was to develop a language which was platform-independent and which could create embedded softwares for consumer electronic devices. C and C++ were quite inefficient for the purpose because they were not platform-independent as there programs have to be compiled for particular hardware before execution. Also, the compiled code was inefficient for other processors and it had to be recompiled. So the team of 5 also called as Green Team began to work in developing a easier and cost-efficient solution. They worked for 18 months in developing a portable, platform-independent language that could create a code which can run on variety of processors under differing environments. The above necessity led to creation of Java. At the same time, Internet and WWW were becoming popular day-by-day. The web programs lacked the features of platform-independence. It required programs that could run on any operating system irrespective of hardware and software configuration. It required small and portable programs that could be securely transported over the network. The programming language available to suit such requirements was Java. Many developers soon realized that architectural neutral language like Java would be best for writing programs for internet. Thus forcus of Java was shifted from consumer electronics to World Wide Web. Today, Java is not an ordinary programming language. It is a technology which is simple, Object Oriented, Distributed, Robust, Secure, Architecture neutral, Portable, Interpreated, Multithreaded, High Performance and Dynamic.  
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