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How to read and write a file in Java 7 using java.nio API ?

Program to demonstrate how to read and write a file in Java 7 using java.nio API.

package com.hubberspot.java7;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;

public class ReadAndWriteFiles {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

  // Create a path to the file which is
  // to be written and read later
  // here "D:\\books\\java\\" is the address 
  // to reach the file created by name "hubberspot.txt" 
  Path filePath = Paths.get("D:\\books\\java\\hubberspot.txt");

  try { 

   // First we check whether file already exists
   // at the filePath by using Files class static
   // method by name exists()
   if (!Files.exists(filePath)) {

    try {

     // Second we create a file at 
     // the specified filePath by using
     // Files class createFile() method.

    } catch (IOException e) {


   // Create a BufferedWriter instance by calling 
   // Files class newBufferedWriter() method which
   // returns back BufferedWriter object
   // This method takes in three parameters such as:
   // 1. Path to the file created above
   // 2. Charsets for the format of the file
   // 3. Open options which defines the standard open options
   BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(filePath, 
     StandardCharsets.UTF_16, StandardOpenOption.WRITE);

   // Here we use write() method to write some content
   // to the file at the path specified above
   writer.write("Hello World !!! \n");
   writer.write("Welcome to\n");
   writer.write("Learn Java By Examples !!!!... \n");

   // close the writer 

  } catch(Exception e) { 



  try { 

   // Create a BufferedReader instance by calling 
   // Files class newBufferedReader() method which
   // returns back BufferedReader object
   // This method takes in two parameters such as:
   // 1. Path to the file created above
   // 2. Charsets for the format of the file
   BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(filePath,

   String line;

   // To read contents of file line by line 
   // we use BufferedReader readLine()
   // method and prints contents to console
   while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {



  catch(Exception e) { 




Output of the program :

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