Program to implement how to fill and clear contents of an Array in Java.
Output of the program :
package com.hubberspot.arrays; import java.util.Arrays; public class ArraysFill { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create an array of Strings storing few customers names String[] customers = {"Dinesh" , "Jonty" , "Mallika" , "Navjinder"}; // print out the customers name in array using Arrays class // static method by name toString() System.out.println("Customers Name: " + Arrays.toString(customers)); // To clear contents of array at once we use // Arrays class static method by name fill() // It replaces each element of an array by the second // parameters it takes in Arrays.fill(customers, null); System.out.println("Customers Name: " + Arrays.toString(customers)); // Here instead of null now we pass a String by name "Radhika" // it replaces each and every element of array to this String Arrays.fill(customers, "Radhika"); // Print the array System.out.println("Customers Name: " + Arrays.toString(customers)); // Again assigning null and clearing out the contents Arrays.fill(customers, null); System.out.println("Customers Name: " + Arrays.toString(customers)); } }
Output of the program :